🎃 HALLOWEEN UPDATE 👻🐰 Ghost Bunny invasion in Adopt me! on Roblox

by 24VENEZUELAOct. 28, 2020, 8:40 p.m. 144

It's time to vacuum up some ghost bunnies! Collect Candy by playing brand new spooky minigames, and exchange it for seasonal pets and items! Make sure to speak to the Headless Horseman, they give out free Candy EVERY DAY! 🍬 Halloween will leave Adopt me! on Wednesday 11th November 2pm PT, 5pm ET and 11pm GMT Play now: http://go.playadopt.me/ For more news, memes, and info about the updates, follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/PlayAdoptMe Instagram: https://instagram.com/playadoptme/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@playadoptme Discord: https://discord.gg/adoptme


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